Tafseer Soorah al-Hujuraat

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The author: Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

A commentary on the 49th chapter of the Qur´an.

Bilal Philips Tafseer of Soorah al-Hujuraat is worth reading for any serious and sincere reader of the Qur'an. The meaning and history of the science of tafseer contained in the book's introduction add to its readability. As Bilal explains in the foreword, the degree of the tafseer and the introduction to the science of tafseer were originally prepared for a course in tafseer which he taught during the lmam's Training Course held by Daarul lfta in Trinidad in September 1981. The present tafseer is an edited and revised version at the course material.

The two-page summary at the end helps easy and ready recapitulation of the Soorah, and the index of hadiths is a welcome addition."

Habib Shaikh, Grab news, 1114/89: "There are a number of good translations of the Qur'an in English but commentaries, we have very few. As such, Bilal Philips commen­tary on Sarah al-Hujurat is very welcome. Rendered in an easy language and fluent style, the commentary will be of benefit for everyone."

"Sarah al-Hujuraat numerates some fundamental values and norms of social behaviourin the Islamie soeiety. The author has explained these norms and reviewed some contemporary cvents in their light. This is worth reading,"Dr. M. Abdul Haq Ansari, Muslim World Book Review, vol. 10, no. 3,1990,

ABU AMEENAH BILAL PHILIPS, was bom in Jamaica, but grew up in Canada where he accepted Islam in 1972. He eomplcted a diploma eourse in Arabie in Madeenah and went on to obtain ,I Bachelor of Arts in Usoolad-Deen at the Islamic University of Madeenah in 1979 and a Master of Arts degree in Islamie Theology from the University of Riyadh in 1985. He has taught lslamic educa. tion and Arabie on the junior high and high schoollevels at Manaret al-Riyadh Schools from 1979 to 1987, Presently he is enrolled in the Islamic studies doctoral program at the University of Wales. Among the author's published worksare translations of Ibn Taymeeyah's Essay on the Jinn, Arabic Calligraphy in Manuscripes, The Devil's Deception of the Shee'ah, Khomeini: A Moderate or a Fanatic Shi'ite and TM Mirage in Iran, He has also cO'authored, Plural Marriage in /slaam and authored the Qur'aan's Numerical Miracle; Hoax and Heresy, Evolution of the Madh-habs, Tafseer Soorah al-Hujuraat, The Ansar Cult, The Fundamentals of Tawheed, and Hajj and 'Umrah According to Qur' aan and Sunnah,

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