Jesus - a Prophet of Islam

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The author: Muhammad ´Ataur-Rahim

Some believe he was a man, some believe he was God, others consider him a myth. But who, and what, was Jesus?

For some it is irrefutable and established dogma for some it is a vast corpse of contradictory metaphysical fiction, while for others it is a "mask" on the face of Jesus bearing nothing to his original teachings. So what, and where, is the religion of Jesus, known as Christianity?

Jesus- a Prophet of Islam is a commendable effort to study the sacred life of Jesus using both Christian and Muslim sources. A penetrating scholarly study, it explores the origins of Christianity by examining the evidence with thoroughness and care in order to seperate the facts from the myth about the person, role and status of Jesus.

Muhammad ´Ata ur-Rahim takes T.S. Eliot`s statement that "Christianity is always adapting itself into something which can be believed" a step further by arguing that the whole philosophy of the Pauline Church is based on "compromise by all means". This "doublethink" approach has resulted" in the continued absorption of the Church into the culture, and of the reabsorption of the culture into the changing structure of the Church thus allowing many people to "return to Christianity". The question is whether this "Christianity" can rightly be said to represent or even resemble, that which Jesus taught and lived.

For all these centuries, the Muslim view has either been barred or denied to English language readers, especially those who profess the Christian faith. This fascinating account is an eye opener for them and its findings are something that no thinking person, Christian or otherwise, can seriously ignore. 

245 pages, paperback

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