Plants in the Quran

A lot of plants are known for their specific healing qualities known through thousands of years and recognized by modern sciende. Many of these plants are mentioned directly in the Quran especially for their healing qualities.
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Plants in the Quran is a purely scientific treatise in which all the plants and plant products mentioned in the Holy Quran have been described with respect to their botanical identification, chemical composition, medicinal properties and uses. Identification and description of Sidrah, Kafur, Zaqqum and Mann (Manna) throw new light not only on the plants but also the events associated with them.

Scholars all over the world have acclaimed Plants of Quran as the first authentic work on the subject.

Renowned Islamic thinker Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi, Rector, Nadva Islamic University has commented that "the observations and identifications of certain plants, particularly with respect of Sidrah and Kafur, unravel several knots and are of immense help in reemoving many confusions. In the opinion of the eminent Islamic Scholar, Dr. M. A. Yamani, Chairman, Iqra Foundation, Saudi Arabia, Plants of Quran has filled a gap that had  been yawning for centuries and that too in most perfect way.

220 pages, paperback

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